The photo series created during the international research studio on architectural photography “You only know what you see” - buildings and their representations as a source of knowledge about Franco-German relations in Saarland after 1945 in September (organized by ENSA Strasbourg, BTU Cottbus, Franco-German University (DFH)) are exhibited at the annual conference of the German Werkbund (Saarbrücken, October 3-6, 2024, Pingusson-Gebäude).
Happy to be invited once again to lecture a course at the university of the arts Berlin: Dr. Nica Junker Irritation as an impulse Block workshop, German/English, 2 SWS, 2 ECTS Irritation in artistic actions can invite participants out of their equilibrium and into reflection on the exchange on the topics. This is also where a kind of tipping...
Happy the be invited as a guest artist/curator of the mobile atelier of the bbl Bavaria in Cham . More infos:
With the friendly support of WOGE Saar I was able with my two colleagues from Munich and Hong Kong to take photos in the habitat in Sarrebruck. This is a very special pleasure to me because it is one of my ever favorite buildings. The photo project will be online on my website very soon.
for the Hurricanes and Scaffolding – Symposium om konstnärlig forskning 2024 at the Umeå universitet:
I am very pleased to be a guest artist at the Mobile Studio in Cham (Bavaria) this fall. Many thanks to the city of Cham and the team of the Mobile Studio of the BBK Landesverband for the cordial invitation.
"You can only know that which you have eyes to see" Buildings and their images as sources of knowledge on German-French relations in the Saar after 1945 Funded by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule, Saarbrücken Location: Saarland University/UdS in Saarbrücken and online
Very happy about the invitation of the Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft to moderate a panel on participations in the arts during the the event übenübenüben³ – Auftaktfest 22.06.2024 13:00 – 18:00 Uhr Maria-Lenssen-Garten, Mühlenstraße 33. 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr Teilhaben, Mitmachen, Gestalten – Partizipation in der Kunst Diskussion with: Evi Blink and Julia Scherzl (Künstlerinnen) Susanne Bosch (Künstlerin) Ruth Gilberger (Vorständin Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft)...
Very happy for the opportunity to present my project remembrance in white at the photomedia conference in Helsinki at the Aalto University . The 6th Helsinki Photomedia Conference will take place from 11th-13th April 2024 under the theme “Contact of models”. Time: 11-13 April 2024 Venue: Dipoli, Aalto University Check it out here:
Received TelepART Mobility Support
I am happy to have received the TelepART Mobility Supportt by the TelepART Art Funding programme (Finnland-Institut, Germany)

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