Very happy about the invitation of the Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft to moderate a panel on participations in the arts during the the event übenübenüben³ – Auftaktfest 22.06.2024 13:00 – 18:00 Uhr Maria-Lenssen-Garten, Mühlenstraße 33. 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr Teilhaben, Mitmachen, Gestalten – Partizipation in der Kunst Diskussion with: Evi Blink and Julia Scherzl (Künstlerinnen) Susanne Bosch (Künstlerin) Ruth Gilberger (Vorständin Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft)...
Very happy for the opportunity to present my project remembrance in white at the photomedia conference in Helsinki at the Aalto University . The 6th Helsinki Photomedia Conference will take place from 11th-13th April 2024 under the theme “Contact of models”. Time: 11-13 April 2024 Venue: Dipoli, Aalto University Check it out here:
Received TelepART Mobility Support
I am happy to have received the TelepART Mobility Supportt by the TelepART Art Funding programme (Finnland-Institut, Germany)

Many thanks to the team of the Photomedia to have selected my abstract:
Happy about the Honorable Mention in the 2023 Tokyo International Foto Awards @tokyofotoawards of a photo from my rays of Light project.
Happy to be part at the COLOUR 2024 group exhibition at the Glasgow Gallery of Photography Thank you a lot for the selection of my work for the exhibition next year in april.
Happy to begin to lecture at the Bundesakademie für Kulturelle Bildung/Cultural Education with a first course next year,
Happy to be a part of the KOLLISION DER KÜNSTE N°4 Artist in residency 2023 with mit Irene Anton, Annalisa Derossi, Robin Gommel, Thomas Hora, Stephanie LeBolt, Fabian Widukind Penzkofer, Sophie Netzer, Anne Reiter, Gloria Sogl, Belinda Winkler, Tomma Köhler und Felix Lies. https://www.kodekü.de
I am very happy to be to the group exhibition KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED VIII at the AFF gallery, Berlin during the gallery weekend 29.04.2023 by the 30.04.2023. Please check out the information to the exhibition and opening:
Happy to teach this summer term again at the University of the Arts Berlin in within the Studium Generale Summer term Programm:

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